How to do a pivot table with 2 different results How to do a pivot table with 2 different line results ... 9 Mar 2010 04:34
bars on chart do not match data points Simple data set yet when I create a bar chart the bars do not match the actual values in the cells. For some reason, Excel produces a bar that is less than the actual value. Further, the same values in a cell produce different bar heights and although the data labels are the right number, the value is always... 21 Mar 2010 07:14
Pivot table creates stacked column I created a pivot table that shows the number of eligible and enrolled patients per month/year. When I create a graph of the data I can only create a stacked column graph. I want to create a regular column graph and have eligible and enrolled columns 100% overlap. Does anyone know how to do that with Excel 2003... 24 Mar 2010 19:22
Change background / color of chart worksheet? Need steps to change the color or backgound of the worksheet that is a chart. Have multiple tabs in workbook that are just the charts. Only option for background is to use Format-Sheet-Background. That changes background of chart, but not the grey areas around the chart on the chart tab. ... 12 Mar 2010 11:40
I cannot set the maximum date for the axis of a line chart I have a line chart with a (horizontal) date axis along the bottom. Currently I have data from Sep-2002 to Sep-2009. All of this data is shown on the chart and the axes also go from Sep-2002 to Sep-2009. My problem is that I want to set the maximum of the date axis to an earlier date (say Jun-2008) hence hid... 9 Mar 2010 10:04
How do I chart contours in Excel 2007? I have some geophysical data I want to chart. How can I generate contours, or with the surface chart, how can I change the values for the coloured bands? Thank you ... 4 Mar 2010 11:13
Secondary axes issues I have the following sample data.... COL-1 COL-2 Month Cumulative Revenue (Without help) Jan-09 2.20 Feb-09 5.36 Mar-09 10.28 COL-3 COL-4 Dates Cumulative Revenue (With Help) Mar-25 ... 3 Mar 2010 09:33
Chart formatting problems (multiple) Using Excel 2007, and having problems with simple column graphs. The first half of my data points align properly with the gridlines along the Y axis, but halfway through, they move consistently to the right of the gridlines for the rest of the series. What's worse, no matter what column chart style I select, al... 5 Mar 2010 08:20
copy chart formatting and chart templates in Excel 2007 In older Versions of Excel it was possible to transfer the formatting from one chart to another with copy/paste special formats. This doesn't work in excel 2007. Excel 2007 has the option of saving chart templates to multiply user defined formats. But this templates don't save many formatting elements (colors,... 4 Mar 2010 00:12 |