From: lucasea on

<jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
> In article <dGS3h.5355$7F3.3682(a)>,
> <lucasea(a)> wrote:
>>"krw" <krw(a)att.bizzzz> wrote in message
>>>> Dry wood burns very cleanly.
>>> It still stinks to hell.
>>Not if you're using a good, modern wood stove, and good dry (particularly
>>hard) wood.
>>> I burn some in a fairly efficient stove,
>>It's not just efficiency, it's also related to pollution control devices.
>>> but unless there is a wind blowing it's a mess. It stinks if it's
>>> still,
>>Not if you're using a good, modern wood stove, and good dry (particularly
>>hard) wood.
> How do you make everybody do this?

Why your desparate need to "make everybody do" things. Why not just let
them make their own decisions, and you make yours?

Eric Lucas

From: lucasea on

<jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
> In article <1gI3h.6211$B31.441(a)>,
> <lucasea(a)> wrote:
>><jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
>>> In article <cXd3h.4612$7F3.309(a)>,
>>> <lucasea(a)> wrote:
>>>>"krw" <krw(a)att.bizzzz> wrote in message
>>>>> In article <RZ93h.4899$B31.3455(a)>,
>>>>> lucasea(a) says...
>>>>>> "krw" <krw(a)att.bizzzz> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:MPG.1fb6811853307b0989a87(a)
>>>>>> > In article <zRz2h.4036$B31.709(a)>,
>>>>>> > lucasea(a) says...
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> "JoeBloe" <joebloe(a)> wrote in
>>>>>> >> message
>>>>>> >> news:iualk291t97f8404q1sh653htevg49g4s6(a)
>>>>>> >> > On 2 Nov 2006 18:23:32 -0800, "MooseFET" <kensmith(a)>
>>>>>> >> > Gave
>>>>>> >> > us:
>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>> >> >>He is right. The new drug can't be the exact same chemical as
>>>>>> >> >>the
>>>>>> >> >>old
>>>>>> >> >>one...
>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>> >> > Bullshit. Patents get RENEWED BEFORE they expire.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Where did you get *that* silly idea??? You might just want to go
>>>>>> >> back
>>>>>> >> to
>>>>>> >> insults--at least you understand those.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> > Actually, he's right (patents do need to be renewed) but this fact
>>>>>> > is irrelevant to the discussion.
>>>>>> Once a patent reaches an age of 17 years (in the US; 20 in the rest
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> world), it expires. Period.
>>>>> Nope. Perhaps you want to learn something.
>>>>I've been working in the chemical industry for 15 years, and have
>>>>several patents, a couple of which have subsequently abandoned because
>>>>company chose not to pursue the technology. I know how they work, thank
>>> You don't really know how they work. In my biz, one of our
>>> lawyers disagreed with himself about the copyright law.
>>> Getting a consistent interpretation of IP law over a three-month time
>>> period was impossible. I doubt lawyers have improved this since
>>> then.
>>Yes, I've encountered that too. The underlying explanation is that the
>>enforcement of a patent is ultimately in the hands of a jury, not the PTO.
>>When something is enforced by a government agency, like the EPA, their
>>behavior is at least somewhat predictable. When it's in the hands of a
>>jury, who understand neither the technical aspects of the patented
>>technology, nor the law surrounding patents, nearly all bets are off. The
>>lawyers have to try to predict how it will come out. That's hard enough
>>do in the midst of a trial, where you actually have some facts of possible
>>infringement, but before there is even a situation that would go to trial,
>>that is obviously a nearly hopeless enterprise.
> In the situation I described, there was no other input. The
> interpretation changed every three days until I blew my top.

Perhaps a little less brittleness....

Eric Lucas

From: unsettled on
Ben Newsam wrote:

> On Tue, 07 Nov 2006 04:45:15 -0600, unsettled <unsettled(a)>
> wrote:
>>The America that has been handed to you on a silver
>>platter, in fact.
> Oh dear, I do hope not. I thought we[1] had got rid of all those
> tiresome colonials long ago.
>>I'm happy to appease them forever. Their ideology has
>>withstood the test of time, while yours keeps failing
>>only to be recycled by the next generation.
> So, what is it about recycling every generation that isn't "standing
> the test of time"?
> [1] In case you hadn't noticed, not everyone lives in America.

Clipping context makes nonsense.

From: unsettled on
Ben Newsam wrote:

> On Tue, 07 Nov 2006 04:39:26 -0600, unsettled <unsettled(a)>
> wrote:

>>There's nothing as effective as example and first
>>hand experience to inject the democracy meme into
>>a society.

> And your evidence for this is...?

Your education lacks basic information about education
and memes. There are many good papers about both on
the internet.

> How many societies have you
> "injected" with anything? In case you're thinking about it, please
> don't come over here injecting us with anything, thank you very much.

Gawd forbid, your Muslims are doing a job on you already.
Heaven forbid you become confused or something......

From: lucasea on

<jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
> In article <XlI3h.6213$B31.2084(a)>,
> <lucasea(a)> wrote:
>><jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
>>> In article <454F23F4.F28CDB32(a)>,
>>> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>>>>jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>>>>> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>>>>> >Expansionism ? What expansionism ? After we ( and the other allies )
>>> kicked
>>>>> >his troops back out of Kuwait he wasn't doing any expansion.
>>>>> The UK and US were spending tons of money to keep him in his cage.
>>>>Your assertion only.
>>> You are hopeless. It is a fact.
>>Much like the "fact" that you asserted that Massachusetts has repeatedly
>>blackouts since the 80s because of network overload? Bullshit--I lived in
>>Massachusetts for a significant period of time since 1980, during some
>>wicked-hot summers, and there was never once a blackout, or even rolling
>>brownouts, while I was there. Not even close.
> I see you didn't read what I wrote once again. Residental didn't
> do the powering down.

Again, bullshit. It happens nearly every summer in California.

> That would be impossible to manage without
> a shutdown. Commercial and manufacturing did power down. It
> was a volunteer effort to avoid unplanned black and brownouts.

Never happened while I was there.

> All summer long there are public announcements to not run appliances
> during certain hours. There is a reduced delivery of power that
> still allows things to work but my fans run slower. Every once
> in a while we get announcements about power usage during the
> winter, usually around storms. IF everybody converted to electric
> heating, we'ld see a worse power problem than we see in the summer.
> Now, what part of that word IF will you not understand this time?

I understand it perfectly. What part of "you're wrong" do you not

> <snip more embarrassement to yourself>

Ah, so I made some more points that you can't even make up the answers to.

Eric Lucas