From: Dr. Tinto on

"Jolly Roger" <jollyroger(a)> wrote in message
> In article <fmoore-ABA736.14223407072010(a)>,
> Fred Moore <fmoore(a)> wrote:
>> FYI: For those of you who don't read Macintouch regularly, there was an
>> interesting post by Ishan Bhattacharya in the iPhone 4 forum
>> <>.
>> The notable quote is:
>> 'The photos of him with Medvedev shows a very sick man (I'm a physician
>> familiar with end-of-life issues, but it doesn't require an MD to see
>> the pronounced muscle wasting apparent).'
> Oh please. I don't care who he is, he can't tell much at all from a
> single photo.

From your emphatic response, I can tell you know very little of the Medical
profession. One picture is worth a thousand words. Comparing two photos is
more like a geometric projection. Several years photos paint a very
accurate picture. That coupled with Jobs irrational behavior lately only
adds to the mix. And leads to a conclusion.

From: Dr. Tinto on

"Priam" <priam(a)> wrote in message
> On 07/07/2010 02:50 PM, JF Mezei wrote:
>> Fred Moore wrote:
>>> (To anyone who thinks this post is off topic for csms, I can think of
>>> nothing more relevant to the Mac OS than Steve Jobs' health.)
>> While Steve Jobs was on "sabbatical", I asked about this, and many told
>> me (here) that there were enough "great" people within Apple to continue
>> the spirit of innovation after Jobs retires.
>> And Apple might become a little less proprietary, perhaps allowing OS-X
>> to run on other EFI based computers not built by Apple. (HP, Dell etc)
> Dreaming again, JF? Apple will never come less proprietary. Hey, that's
> how it milks you suckers. They've tried before and Apple almost
> disappeared. When Jobs came back, he stopped this /nonsense/.

This was someone's opinion on CSMA. It seems an interesting take or troll.

"In a year or two, they won't even be selling Macs. The iPhone made it's
splash and now newer and better competing products are coming on line. The
iPod market is saturated. The iPad is a faddish failure that only failures
buy with newer and better products on the near horizon. The mini is a toy.
Apple TV is an outright failure - a hobby according to Jobs.

The smart money left Apple years ago. The rats are now starting to jump
ship. Only the Freaks are left - but they won't be able to sustain Apple."

From: Leonard Blaisdell on
In article <4c34dc46$0$16591$c3e8da3(a)>,
JF Mezei <jfmezei.spamnot(a)> wrote:

> It could very well be that the "proprietary" preference by Steve Jobs is
> actually a hindrance to Apple and that Apple could be even more
> profitable if it were more open. Or it could be that the proprietary
> nature is better for Apple at the end of the day.

Apple is closing in on becoming the largest industrial company in the
world by market cap according to CNBC. Of course, a convenient link is
nonexistent, and you only have my word for it.
Ah, here's something.
They must be doing something right.

> But you can't use the short lived experience in the 1990s as a yardstick.

Mr. Jobs could certainly use that experience as a yardstick. Although he
wasn't there at the time, he had to salvage the aftermath. Apple, Inc.
is a *hardware company* that just happens to produce outstanding
software that sells their hardware. He's unique. They're unique. IMO.

From: Leonard Blaisdell on
In article
Michelle Steiner <michelle(a)> wrote:

> Only $39,140,000,000 to go in order to overtake Exxon Mobile.

Mom always said that the first 2 hundred billion were the hardest.

From: Ed H. on
In article <jollyroger-70AE76.14010607072010(a)>,
Jolly Roger <jollyroger(a)> wrote:

> In article <fmoore-ABA736.14223407072010(a)>,
> Fred Moore <fmoore(a)> wrote:
> > FYI: For those of you who don't read Macintouch regularly, there was an
> > interesting post by Ishan Bhattacharya in the iPhone 4 forum
> > <>.
> > The notable quote is:
> >
> > 'The photos of him with Medvedev shows a very sick man (I'm a physician
> > familiar with end-of-life issues, but it doesn't require an MD to see
> > the pronounced muscle wasting apparent).'
> Oh please. I don't care who he is, he can't tell much at all from a
> single photo.

Bill Frist can ;-)

Ed H.
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