From: Dr. Tinto on

"AES" <siegman(a)> wrote in message
> In article <WJEZn.10128$0A5.9553(a)newsfe22.iad>,
> "XX" <dosexes(a)> wrote:
>> > If Jobs' time is coming to an end, he sure as hell achieved a lot in
>> > the
>> > last decade. A lot of interesting things happened in the world of
>> > technology because of Jobs and his visions.
>> >
>> > But hopefully his time isn't up anytime soon. Death is a shame no
>> > matter
>> > what the situation is.
>> >
>> > I'm sure I'm much younger than the rest of the users on c.s.m.s, and
>> > therefore represent the younger generation of mac users. (college
>> > sophomore).
>> Two bad you didn't learn a thing in fourteen years of schooling. What
>> are
>> you majoring in; Time and Space?
> Hey, why so nasty (and so unnecessarily nasty)? His post was perfectly
> fine.

It didn't seem to be that nasty and partially funny.

The way I heard it was, What are you taking up, Air and Space but Time and
Space is as funny too.

From: dorayme on
In article <ldRZn.30197$Ls1.19845(a)newsfe11.iad>,
"Dr. Tinto" <drtinto(a)> wrote:

> "Michelle Steiner" <michelle(a)> wrote in message
> news:michelle-ABFE5B.09240909072010(a)
> > In article <jollyroger-285380.11010909072010(a)>,
> > Jolly Roger <jollyroger(a)> wrote:
> >
> >> XX is a known troll. Adjust your filters accordingly.
> >

Would Jesus filter a troll? No, He would not, He would embrace
him or her, He would Love him or her and accept him or her as
part of the Greater Church. He would say unto you, remember, the
troll is but a lost soul and no less deserves your love.

I ask you all, including the shepherd Nick (you may bring along
your favourite sheep), to get on your knees (knees, Nick, not
sheep) and pray with me.


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