From: Jolly Roger on
In article <4c3626a3$0$5397$c3e8da3(a)>,
JF Mezei <jfmezei.spamnot(a)> wrote:

> D.F. Manno wrote:
> > That doctors can't diagnose people based solely on photographs.
> But you can notice significant weight loss beyond a healthy limit and
> this is indicative that there is a problem. They can't diagnose the
> problem, but can say there appears to be a problem.
> I would agree that Jobs doesn't look too healthy in that picture. He
> could stand to gain some weight.

Such weight loss is perfectly normal for someone who has had the
surgical procedures he has had.

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From: Jolly Roger on
In article <4c362e6b$0$21261$c3e8da3(a)>,
JF Mezei <jfmezei.spamnot(a)> wrote:

> Jochem Huhmann wrote:
> > Yeah, Jobs could stand to gain some weight. May be hard to manage though
> > after such a major replumbing of his guts.
> >
> > Anyway, I haven't seen many "terminally-ill cancer patients" jumping
> > around on a stage for one and a half hours lately.
> I said that his current frail look is an indication he is not healthy,
> but that this alone can't give you a diagnosis of what is wrong.
> In ability to gain wewight when you are visibly underweight is not a
> good sign. But that is the only conclusion one can draw and you can't
> infer any type of disease.
> And to be fair, one would need to know ehether he has a strong apetite
> (and east like a pig) or whether he is never hungry and just east a
> little bit.
> But his lack of weight is a cause for concern.

You should at least try to learn a little about the surgical procedures
he's had before drawing such silly conclusions.

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From: Wes Groleau on
On 07-08-2010 15:27, JF Mezei wrote:
> I would agree that Jobs doesn't look too healthy in that picture. He
> could stand to gain some weight.

On the other hand, one could say the same about pictures of
centenarians on Okinawa.

Wes Groleau

achy breaky grammar
From: Jason S on
On 2010-07-07 14:22:35 -0400, Fred Moore said:

> FYI: For those of you who don't read Macintouch regularly, there was an
> interesting post by Ishan Bhattacharya in the iPhone 4 forum
> <>.
> The notable quote is:
> 'The photos of him with Medvedev shows a very sick man (I'm a physician
> familiar with end-of-life issues, but it doesn't require an MD to see
> the pronounced muscle wasting apparent).'
> (To anyone who thinks this post is off topic for csms, I can think of
> nothing more relevant to the Mac OS than Steve Jobs' health.)

If Jobs' time is coming to an end, he sure as hell achieved a lot in
the last decade. A lot of interesting things happened in the world of
technology because of Jobs and his visions.

But hopefully his time isn't up anytime soon. Death is a shame no
matter what the situation is.

I'm sure I'm much younger than the rest of the users on c.s.m.s, and
therefore represent the younger generation of mac users. (college


From: XX on

"Jason S" <jasonsavlov(a)> wrote in message
> On 2010-07-07 14:22:35 -0400, Fred Moore said:
>> FYI: For those of you who don't read Macintouch regularly, there was an
>> interesting post by Ishan Bhattacharya in the iPhone 4 forum
>> <>.
>> The notable quote is:
>> 'The photos of him with Medvedev shows a very sick man (I'm a physician
>> familiar with end-of-life issues, but it doesn't require an MD to see
>> the pronounced muscle wasting apparent).'
>> (To anyone who thinks this post is off topic for csms, I can think of
>> nothing more relevant to the Mac OS than Steve Jobs' health.)
> If Jobs' time is coming to an end, he sure as hell achieved a lot in the
> last decade. A lot of interesting things happened in the world of
> technology because of Jobs and his visions.
> But hopefully his time isn't up anytime soon. Death is a shame no matter
> what the situation is.
> I'm sure I'm much younger than the rest of the users on c.s.m.s, and
> therefore represent the younger generation of mac users. (college
> sophomore).

Two bad you didn't learn a thing in fourteen years of schooling. What are
you majoring in; Time and Space?

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