From: BradGuth on
On Sep 28, 11:01 am, rick_so...(a) wrote:
> Unless of course there was a tsunami, but we have some protection here
> being on an inland straight.
> But even if it did get up that high to 35 feet lets say, whats the
> worst that can happen?
> Giant squid.

More than likely dead-zone jellyfished to death.
- Brad Guth -

From: BradGuth on
On Sep 28, 11:23 am, rick_so...(a) wrote:
> > >
> But if you guys want to compromise a bit I suppose we could consider
> doing that.
> My suggestion is for all garden shed producers of Brown's Gas to stick
> with supplementing fossil fuels to improve gas mileage.
> Its safer that way for starters. Until you have things sorted out
> well.

Brown's Peroxide Gas would make a good enough go-between to otherwise
having my full blown liquid h2o2/c12h26 one-cycle little engine for
those hybrid Hummers.

That's merely half of a two-cycle engine that'll kick serious though
clean hybrid energy butt.
- Brad Guth -

From: Eeyore on

BradGuth wrote:

> Brown's Peroxide Gas would make a good enough go-between to otherwise
> having my full blown liquid h2o2/c12h26 one-cycle little engine for
> those hybrid Hummers.

C12H26 ?


You mean diesel fuel ?


From: rick_sobie on
On Sep 28, 7:40 pm, rick_so...(a) wrote:
> On Sep 28, 6:29 pm, Maximust <maxi_m...(a)> wrote:
> > Erdemal wrote:
> > > Eeyore wrote:
> > >> rick_so...(a) wrote:
> > >>> This is what Stan Meyers did.
> > >>> Now I have shown 20 videos of people making Brown's Gas, and I will
> > >>> now show you Stan's device, which incidentally before you flame me,
> > >>> because I know you hate to see so much Brown's Gas produced because it
> > >>> makes you look stupid, but hear me out, I know you people railroaded
> > >>> ol Stan and someone poisoned him at the diner, and he was charged with
> > >>> fraud and the pentagon stole his patents and all the rest, but keep in
> > >>> mind people have reproduced this, and got the same results.
> > >> Bwahahahahahahaa !
> > >> Stan Meyer was a convicted fraudster amd still you keep falling for it.
> > > Galileo too was convicted !
> > Galileo had math on his side. The kooks never have math.
> > > One more cover up the majors
> > > are responsable for.
> > > Erdy
> This guy does pretty controlled experiments and is getting good
> results.

As far as the safety concerns go, well people should be careful with
any gas, and some protection against backfire with your installation
is advisable of course. and the way that he promotes is to use a
bubbler. That is like hooka. The same principle as a hooka, where the
gas comes in to a bottle of water, and there is no continuous flow
back to the cell. So that no backfire will chase back through your
line into the cell enclosure and explode it. (Or implode it whatever
the case may be)
There are all sorts of ways to do this, and a manufacturer would have
check valves and all sorts of things maybe even a small pressurized
canister, with a pressure release valve, and the gas would be fed into
the intake in a controlled fashion by a controller.
But having a small pressurized tank of this gas is also an unnecessary
danger, so producing it on demand, is much better.
And the least amount of gas you store or carry the better.
So if you can get almost instant production of gas, then what happens
is as you increase the voltage/amperage when you press down the
accelerator, the flow increases. But if your fan belt broke, your car
wouldn't run in this instance.
Your gas flow would be just what comes off the charge on the battery.
Ideally what you want, is to be able to produce lots of gas, with
little current, and then use some electronics to manage the gas
delivery and production on demand, so that all you need is to have it
connected to your car battery and have the electronics connected to
the gas pedal assembly using some sort of solenoid arrangement.

From: Maximust on
rick_sobie(a) wrote:

> On Sep 28, 6:29 pm, Maximust <maxi_m...(a)> wrote:
>> Erdemal wrote:
>> > Eeyore wrote:
>> >> rick_so...(a) wrote:
>> >>> This is what Stan Meyers did.
>> >>> Now I have shown 20 videos of people making Brown's Gas, and I will
>> >>> now show you Stan's device, which incidentally before you flame me,
>> >>> because I know you hate to see so much Brown's Gas produced because it
>> >>> makes you look stupid, but hear me out, I know you people railroaded
>> >>> ol Stan and someone poisoned him at the diner, and he was charged with
>> >>> fraud and the pentagon stole his patents and all the rest, but keep in
>> >>> mind people have reproduced this, and got the same results.
>> >> Bwahahahahahahaa !
>> >> Stan Meyer was a convicted fraudster amd still you keep falling for it.
>> > Galileo too was convicted !
>> Galileo had math on his side. The kooks never have math.
>> > One more cover up the majors
>> > are responsable for.
>> > Erdy
> This guy does pretty controlled experiments and is getting good
> results.

Ure, I can make experiments and show them on youtube too!