From: Kimmy Boyer on
On Sun, 30 May 2010 19:05:30 -0700, nospam wrote:

> and when you use a microsoft product, remember that its roots are in
> apple. :)

And when you eat the apple, remember it was Eve that fucked Adam (up).
Remove numbers for gmail and for God's sake it ain't "gee" either!
I hesitate to add to this discussion because I'm not an instructor,
just a rather slow student who's not qualified to give advice that
might kill someone.
From: Kimmy Boyer on
On Sun, 30 May 2010 19:06:42 -0700, nospam wrote:

> one of the main reasons palm succeeded over newton was because palm was
> the right size.

Got that right especially when I smack Hubby upside his head.

> newton was too big.

No such thing :)
From: Kimmy Boyer on
On Sun, 30 May 2010 21:16:40 -0700, nospam wrote:

> the newton fit in a jacket pocket just fine,

If your newton can make it all the way up to your jacket pocket,
you're more than fine. Go "fig".

yip nyip yiyap nyop *turn off the focken strobes* yip nyip yiyap nyop
From: Kimmy Boyer on
On Mon, 31 May 2010 20:10:58 -0500, Jolly Roger wrote:

> I'm down with that.

*MY mAN*
From: Kimmy Boyer on
On Mon, 31 May 2010 14:25:00 -0700, Michelle Steiner wrote:

> In article <4c0411d0(a)>, Kimmy Boyer <KimaBoyer(a)>
> wrote:
>>> Larry, you really want something more organic between your legs. But
>>> you ain't going to get that either.
>> That's what my hubby told me. I showed him.
>> I phucked the football team.
> And after that you pucked the hockey team?

Ok, so who told?
At 41, I had a beeyotiful baby boy. WHO RUINED MY TAN TIME,
THE LITTLE FUKKER ! Abort! Abort! Lest ye be without tan lines !