From: nospam on
In article
<>, Your
Name <> wrote:

> > >You can get a real keyboard for the iPad - both from Apple and evidently
> > >most USB keyboards via the camera adapter ... BUT the iPad is not a
> > >computer, never was, never will be.
> >
> > Carrying around a USB keyboard would seem to defeat the entire purpose
> > of the device.
> You can get fold-up and roll-up keyboards, as well as mini-keyboards,
> etc., even a laser projected keyboard (although that wouldn't really be
> any better than the on-screen keyboard).

people did that with palm, and without the bitching.

> > >> Why would anyone rationally buy an iPad when (say) the Acer
> > >> Aspire One can be had for only $200 (Newegg Memorial Day sale)?
> > >
> > >You'd buy the iPad just to escape Windoze hell. :-)
> >
> > What hell? Works for me.
> Viruses, malware, and buggy, bloated and over-priced software, ...

no kidding. most iphone/ipad software is under $5.
From: Your Name on
In article <300520101508326471%nospam(a)nospam.invalid>, nospam
<nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote:

> In article <htuke8$2e9$1(a)>, Your Name
> <> wrote:
> > That's more because pretty much all the other tablets have been clunky, slow
> > devices running a desktop OS and desktop software - that simply doesn't
> > work, whether using your fingers or a stylus.
> exactly.
> > The iPad is and always has really been a video iPod. It is not and never was
> > a replacement for a laptop computer, but far too many people are stupidly
> > thinking it is
> it's more than a video ipod, but yes, people compare it to a laptop,
> which it isn't.
> > Apple rarely gets it completely wrong, and when they (supposedly) do it's
> > really a matter of mis-timing, e.g. the Newton was cancelled just as
> > everybody else started jumping on the PDA bandwagon.
> they get a lot of things wrong. ipod hifi anyone? :) the round puck
> mouse, their bluetooth adapter, the toilet seat ibook, just to name a
> few.

I did say "rarely" and not "never". :-)

The clamshell iBook was quite popular and still has many fans today (just
like the Newton).

Personally I never had any problems with the round puck-mouse, or any of
Apple's other mice which some people complain about. The only real problem
I've had is going through quite a few ADB mice with broken buttons (but
that's really because it's on one of those sily slide out keyboard shelves
which is a bit too low meaning can unintentionally push it too hard).
From: Your Name on
In article <elmop-45F246.18282130052010(a)>, "Elmo
P. Shagnasty" <elmop(a)> wrote:

> In article <htuke8$2e9$1(a)>,
> "Your Name" <> wrote:
> > Apple rarely gets it completely wrong, and when they (supposedly) do it's
> > really a matter of mis-timing, e.g. the Newton was cancelled just as
> > everybody else started jumping on the PDA bandwagon.
> No "supposedly" about it, and it's not always mis-timing.
> Steve Jobs Hisself put out the round hockey-puck mouse, which everyone
> immediately acknowledged as the worst idea in the world.

Here we go with the sweeping statement yet again. :-\
Personally I never had any problems with the round puck-mouse, and neither
did anyone I helped who owned one.

> Hockey puck mouse, AppleTV....some things Apple does just aren't right
> and never will be.

There's nothing wrong with Apple TV, but yet again you have to understand
what it is and isn't meant to be, just like the iPad.

Talking of the Apple TV, the rumours are that the next update will use the
iPhone OS, making it basically a "screenless iPad".
From: nospam on
In article
<>, Your
Name <> wrote:

> The clamshell iBook was quite popular and still has many fans today (just
> like the Newton).

i don't know about 'many.' sales took off when they went to a more
normal looking white ibook.
From: John Navas on
On Mon, 31 May 2010 13:09:41 +1200, (Your Name) wrote
in <>:

>In article <q6n5061n7r1r9nfg5japerk1uc1kmhjifb(a)>, John Navas
><jnspam1(a)> wrote:

>> Carrying around a USB keyboard would seem to defeat the entire purpose
>> of the device.
>You can get fold-up and roll-up keyboards, as well as mini-keyboards,
>etc., even a laser projected keyboard (although that wouldn't really be
>any better than the on-screen keyboard).

Those alternatives are too crappy for me to take seriously.
Nothing less than a real keyboard will do.

>> >> Why would anyone rationally buy an iPad when (say) the Acer
>> >> Aspire One can be had for only $200 (Newegg Memorial Day sale)?
>> >
>> >You'd buy the iPad just to escape Windoze hell. :-)
>> What hell? Works for me.
>Viruses, malware, and buggy, bloated and over-priced software, ...

No viruses or malware here, operation solid and stable, excellent
application software.

Best regards,

If the iPhone is really so impressive,
why do iFans keep making excuses for it?
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