From: Jeff Liebermann on
On Mon, 31 May 2010 00:14:41 -0700, Michelle Steiner
<michelle(a)> wrote:

>I'm more interested in how it would fit in my purse.

"Carrying around the iPad"
<> (3:10)
Notice that she also carries the keyboard.

There are already iPad specific purse, handbag, backpack, and luggage
products announced. Some are for men only:

Jeff Liebermann jeffl(a)
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
From: nospam on
In article <2iq706dj0eehaq7d3jaq9o5le5us6almrd(a)>, Jeff
Liebermann <jeffl(a)> wrote:

> Yep. Computer users are VERY conservative and difficult to change. At
> the time, there were 3 basic types of word processors. The mouse
> driven variety, as exemplified by MacWrite, the function key driven
> variety, as in WordPerfect, and the control-key flavor, as found in
> Wordstar. I found that I could move a customer from one word
> processor to another as long as I stayed within the interface that
> they were familiar with using. However, moving from a keyboard
> intensive word processor, to a mouse driven flavor, was almost
> impossible.

things never change. people have problems understanding the transition
from mouse/keyboard interfaces on a mac or pc to touch based interfaces
on an ipad.

mobile devices *will* be the future, whether it's an ipad or something
From: Dennis Ferguson on
On 2010-05-31, Michelle Steiner <michelle(a)> wrote:
> In article
> (Your Name) wrote:
>> > What actually eventually succeeded was netbooks, which had nothing to
>> > do with things Apple.
>> Netbooks are nothing to do with PDAs, Newtons nor iPads.
> Not only that, but netbooks are cannibalizing sales from laptops, and with
> their lower margins, are reducing profits from the companies that sell both.

That doesn't sound like a bad thing, somehow, at least if you are
a buyer rather than a seller.

Dennis Ferguson
From: nospam on
In article <michelle-D47B08.11394531052010(a)>,
Michelle Steiner <michelle(a)> wrote:

> And very few people know about the mouse to begin with. We had a display
> that introduced the Mac; I can't tell you how many people picked up the
> mouse, turned it over, and tried to use it as a trackball, even though the
> monitor showed them how to use a mouse.

there were a bunch of studies where first time users held the mouse
with the cord coming out the back, by their wrist. it makes sense
keeping the cord less visible and out of the way, but it didn't work
very well.
From: Jolly Roger on
In article <310520100935284742%nospam(a)nospam.invalid>,
nospam <nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote:

> In article <jollyroger-27DD43.09174831052010(a)>,
> Jolly Roger <jollyroger(a)> wrote:
> > > > Actually, the iPhone tether with AT&T, or with any other provider.
> > >
> > > actually, it doesn't. the iphone does not tether with at&t at this time
> > > due to at&t's incompetence.
> > >
> > > that may change in 4.0.
> >
> > Actually I just tethered my iPad to my iPhone yesterday, and I am on
> > AT&T. It absolutely does tether.
> then you hacked it and are in violation of at&t's terms of service.

I jail broke it, sure, but it was as easy as clicking a button. I
couldn't care less about AT&T's terms of service, to be honest. I don't
use tethering all that often to begin with, and data is data so it
should be an option, IMO. Plus AT&T falsely advertised that tethering
would be available long ago and has long since missed that date.

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