From: Your Name on
In article <l46606tl3ff11ohqunb3mlr2598fo2f2gi(a)>, John Navas
<jnspam1(a)> wrote:

> On Mon, 31 May 2010 13:11:28 +1200, (Your Name) wrote
> in <>:
> >In article <0bn5065qj41ptfcpi6utakj7v2h5kpont4(a)>, John Navas
> ><jnspam1(a)> wrote:
> >
> >> On Mon, 31 May 2010 09:02:27 +1200, "Your Name" <>
> >> wrote in <htuke8$2e9$1(a)>:
> >>
> >> >Apple rarely gets it completely wrong, and when they (supposedly) do it's
> >> >really a matter of mis-timing, e.g. the Newton was cancelled just as
> >> >everybody else started jumping on the PDA bandwagon.
> >>
> >> Newton was canceled because Apple got it completely wrong.
> >
> >Yep, Apple got it wrong ... that explains why so many other companies
> >jumped on the bandwagon only a couple of years later. :-\
> >
> >The only things Apple got wrong with the Newton was the price and
> >releasing it before it was really ready (resulting in problems with the
> >handwriting recognition for many people).
> What actually eventually succeeded was netbooks, which had nothing to do
> with things Apple.

Netbooks are nothing to do with PDAs, Newtons nor iPads.
From: Your Name on
In article <300520101906423874%nospam(a)nospam.invalid>, nospam
<nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote:

> In article <l46606tl3ff11ohqunb3mlr2598fo2f2gi(a)>, John Navas
> <jnspam1(a)> wrote:
> > >The only things Apple got wrong with the Newton was the price and
> > >releasing it before it was really ready (resulting in problems with the
> > >handwriting recognition for many people).
> >
> > What actually eventually succeeded was netbooks, which had nothing to do
> > with things Apple.
> yet another invalid comparison.
> one of the main reasons palm succeeded over newton was because palm was
> the right size. newton was too big.

Personally I prefer the Newton's size - true it was too big to fit in a
pocket, but the Palm was too small to be useful (and had a hopeles OS and
second-rate "handwriting" recognition that was nothing of the kind).
From: Your Name on
In article <300520101904356258%nospam(a)nospam.invalid>, nospam
<nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote:
> the ipad is *not* a laptop or netbook. why do people keep comparing it
> to one?

Because they dumber than a tree stump. Plus of course even dumber
journalists keep calling the iPad "Apple's netbook".
From: nospam on
In article
<>, Your
Name <> wrote:

> Personally I prefer the Newton's size - true it was too big to fit in a
> pocket, but the Palm was too small to be useful (and had a hopeles OS and
> second-rate "handwriting" recognition that was nothing of the kind).

the newton fit in a jacket pocket just fine, something the ipad cannot
From: Your Name on
In article <elmop-B35570.23351330052010(a)>, "Elmo
P. Shagnasty" <elmop(a)> wrote:

> In article
> <>,
> (Your Name) wrote:
> > > Steve Jobs Hisself put out the round hockey-puck mouse, which everyone
> > > immediately acknowledged as the worst idea in the world.
> >
> > Here we go with the sweeping statement yet again. :-\
> > Personally I never had any problems with the round puck-mouse, and neither
> > did anyone I helped who owned one.
> Bullshit. That's nothing but an apologist stance, insisting that Apple
> can do no wrong.
> If you know anything about Apple, you know about the amount of money
> they spent on human factors research. You then know about the amount of
> money Steve Jobs threw down the toilet when he ignored all that research
> over the previous 15 years and decided that he knew best, and that the
> round mouse would ship.

Here we go again. yet another anti-Apple nutter who apparently knows
better than I do whether or not I had problems using the round mouse.
Another idiot to add to the ignore list. :-\
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