From: John Navas on
On Mon, 31 May 2010 13:21:04 +1200, (Your Name) wrote
in <>:

>There's nothing wrong with Apple TV, but yet again you have to understand
>what it is and isn't meant to be, just like the iPad.

An answer still in search of a question. ;)

Best regards,

If the iPhone is really so impressive,
why do iFans keep making excuses for it?
From: nospam on
In article <20660613mqemb2vsa6ugq0qk9hukeq174o(a)>, John Navas
<jnspam1(a)> wrote:

> >Apple had to chose between two completely different designs (Junior
> >and Senior) for the Newton. They picked the wrong one.
> With all due respect, there was no right one.

nonsense. the newton was ahead of its time.

> >When you use an Apple iPhone or the handwriting recognition in OS/X,
> >please remember that it's roots are in the Apple Newton.
> When you use any Apple product, please remember that its roots are in
> the Xerox Alto. Or shall we go back to Turing? ;)

and when you use a microsoft product, remember that its roots are in
apple. :)
From: nospam on
In article <l46606tl3ff11ohqunb3mlr2598fo2f2gi(a)>, John Navas
<jnspam1(a)> wrote:

> >The only things Apple got wrong with the Newton was the price and
> >releasing it before it was really ready (resulting in problems with the
> >handwriting recognition for many people).
> What actually eventually succeeded was netbooks, which had nothing to do
> with things Apple.

yet another invalid comparison.

one of the main reasons palm succeeded over newton was because palm was
the right size. newton was too big.
From: nospam on
In article <h766069h80laktolotru53mpbatpucbtd4(a)>, John Navas
<jnspam1(a)> wrote:

> >There's nothing wrong with Apple TV, but yet again you have to understand
> >what it is and isn't meant to be, just like the iPad.
> An answer still in search of a question. ;)

just like google tv.

however, the difference with google tv is that google is going to get a
shitload of user viewing habits, over which advertisers will drool.
From: Lloyd Parsons on
In article <elmop-58633E.23354030052010(a)>,
"Elmo P. Shagnasty" <elmop(a)> wrote:

> In article
> <>,
> (Your Name) wrote:
> > > Hockey puck mouse, AppleTV....some things Apple does just aren't right
> > > and never will be.
> >
> > There's nothing wrong with Apple TV, but yet again you have to understand
> > what it is and isn't meant to be, just like the iPad.
> >
> > Talking of the Apple TV, the rumours are that the next update will use the
> > iPhone OS, making it basically a "screenless iPad".
> If there's nothing wrong with the AppleTV, then why are they changing it
> to be something else completely different?

A couple things come to mind...

1. Make it smaller and cheaper. Rumors are a $99 price point

2. Bring it in line with the rest of the iPod/iPad/iPhone devices since
the AppleTV really is a glorified iPod for your TV.


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