From: Your Name on

"Michelle Steiner" <michelle(a)> wrote in message
> In article <300520102348468822%nospam(a)nospam.invalid>,
> nospam <nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote:
> > if it wasn't 80x24 or 132x24 of a fixed size amber or green letters, it
> > was a toy and they weren't interested.
> Oh yeah, they insisted on amber (first choice) or green (reluctant second
> choice).

A simple piece of cellophane taped across the screen would have fixed that
problem on the first Macs and Lisa machines. ;-)
(In reality you'd have to have the screen swap the black and white colours

From: Your Name on

"Michelle Steiner" <michelle(a)> wrote in message
> In article <310520100025052435%nospam(a)nospam.invalid>,
> nospam <nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote:
> > > Yup, and trying to sell Macs to people who had been told by "experts"
> > > that they shouldn't buy any computer that didn't have at least an
> > > 80-column display was just that more difficult. I literally had to
> > > let people count the characters across the screen.
> >
> > i hope you used a row of just the letter i :)
> Actually, I used 123456789A123456789B123456789C, etc. with Monaco
> Then I showed them what happens when you change the point size of the

And then they acused you of witchcraft and tried to have you burnt at the
stake. ;-)

From: Your Name on

"Jolly Roger" <jollyroger(a)> wrote in message
> In article <HIHMn.56618$HG1.4676(a)newsfe21.iad>,
> Todd Allcock <elecconnec(a)> wrote:
> > Every one of my
> > Windows machines is protected, and I can count on one hand the number of
> > detected threats I've hit in the last couple of years.
> Meanwhile, I don't have to count at all with my Mac, because there have
> been exactly ZERO for the past 12 years.

In all my Mac usage since the very first model, a virus has been detected
exactly once ... and that was on a floppy disk from a Windows user. :-)

> In contrast, I have lost count (it's around 6, 7, 8, 9, was it 10? Hmmm,
> maybe I need another hand to count!) how many times the corporate
> Windows network of my employer has been attacked by Windows-only
> viruses, worms and so on in that same period of time.

This clapped out Windows 2000 computer gets something almost every week, and
that's with a so-called "anti-virus" program running ... and even when you
run scan from various software the malware isn't spotted or removed. In
fact, the only product I've found so far that actually does what it says on
the tin, find and remove malware, is called "Unhackme".

From: Jeff Liebermann on
On Mon, 31 May 2010 16:38:06 -0400, "Thomas R. Kettler"
<tkettler(a)> wrote:

>In article <michelle-D47B08.11394531052010(a)>,
> Michelle Steiner <michelle(a)> wrote:
>> And very few people know about the mouse to begin with. We had a display
>> that introduced the Mac; I can't tell you how many people picked up the
>> mouse, turned it over, and tried to use it as a trackball, even though the
>> monitor showed them how to use a mouse.

>Did you see anyone try to use it as a foot treadle? I remember reading
>that one but always wondered if it was just an urban myth.

None of my customers did that, but some were tempted due to alleged
carpal tunnel syndrome and hand-eye coordination difficulties. The
ones that failed to use a mouse efficiently were the same ones that
had to look at their hands in order to type and in order to use a
mouse. It's not like this is unusual. Try going down a flight of
stairs with your eyes closed or NOT looking at your feet, for a
personalized example.


I was never plagued by first time computer users. I would usually
pickup customers that had done battle with their machines for a while,
run into problems, and got nowhere with their dealer. As always there
were horror stories, nonsense, and idiocy:
This from 1982 to about 1994. Lots of fond memories of nightmares
long past.

Incidentally, my favorite pointing device is a small lawn bowling ball
size (4.5" dia) trackball, as used by the military, FAA radar, and
Atari coin-op games. Almost infinite resolution and plenty of inertia
to spin the ball in the general direction, and then grab it when it's

I also have several Prohance PowerMouse 100 conglomerations of a
keyboard and mouse.
If you think 3 buttons is a bit much, try orchestrating 40 buttons.
(The bad news is that this mouse can't be used with anything later
than Win 3.1 due to the lack of a suitable driver).

Incidentally, I got a bit of a surprise when I plugged a 3 button PC
mouse into my antique Mac Cube running OS/X 10.4.xx. The right button
worked as expected (show options) as did the roller (scroll up/down).
This was a pleasant surprise after living with only one button for so
long. I know the new Apple Magic Mouse will act as a two button mouse
bit it's still nice to have the mouse act the same in both OS/X and

Jeff Liebermann jeffl(a)
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
From: nospam on
In article <jollyroger-F631C9.15312031052010(a)>,
Jolly Roger <jollyroger(a)> wrote:

> You said "the iphone does not tether with at&t". That's incorrect.

it's exactly correct, and you even admit that's the case, saying at&t
falsely advertised the ability.

it's only possible if you hack the phone, void the warranty and violate
the terms of service.

you also may not be able to upgrade firmware, as many people found out
the hard way and ended up with a non-functional iphone. others were
more fortunate and just lost the ability to tether when they upgraded.

furthermore, at&t tethering is rumoured to be *new* in iphone os 4.0:


> > > I couldn't care less about AT&T's terms of service, to be honest.
> >
> > that's nice. do you just abide by whatever agreements you feel like?
> Most of us do, yep.

no, most people do not ignore agreements they make.

> > > I don't
> > > use tethering all that often to begin with, and data is data so it
> > > should be an option, IMO. Plus AT&T falsely advertised that tethering
> > > would be available long ago and has long since missed that date.
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