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Why hardware designers should stick to command line tools
Philippe wrote: I've published a white paper on this subject. I'd be interested to know what you guys think. Philippe Faes Founding CEO Sigasi everybody preaches for his own church ;-) yg -- h... 23 Mar 2010 17:07
Xilinx ISE Tcl Script Error
Newbie here. I'm running a program that invokes a tcl file. I'm trying to execute the xilinx tcl commands from that tcl script. In the tcl script, i only have the following code. source $env(XILINX)/bin/xilinx-init.tcl But i received the following error when the script gets invoked: error reading package in... 25 Mar 2010 11:26
Writing Hex values to file in VHDL?
I'm trying to dump eight hex values per line into a file, and can't work out how to do it. for index in 0 to 127 loop for sample_sel in 0 to 7 loop sample_val := integer(scale * sin(phase(sample_sel))); write ( sample_line, sample_val, RIGHT, 10); phase(sample_sel) := phase(sample_sel) + p... 23 Mar 2010 10:05
Why hardware designers should switch to Eclipse
Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) have long been the primary tool for software engineers. Like an airplane cockpit, an IDE is the control center from which the engineer accesses all of the data and tools that he needs. IDEs, and especially Eclipse, have proven to be extensible, open, high quality platforms... 25 Mar 2010 14:56
Confusion in address generation for MIG generated DDR2 interface
Hi, I am using MIG 3.3 for generating memory interface for Micron MT4HFT3264HY-53 memory part. The user_design and example_design simulations work fine. I just need one clarification. The addresses generated by the stimulus for the user interface (app_af_addr, app_af_cmd, app_af_wren, app_wdf_data, app_wdf_wren et... 24 Mar 2010 02:13
Quartus: rpm: Command not found.
I've been running Quarus under Gentoo for quite a few years. Despite that Gentoo is not an officially supported Linux distribution by Altera, it has worked fine with practically no problems. After upgrading to 9.1 I keep getting the message: rpm: Command not found. whenever I launch an Altera program. Howe... 29 Apr 2010 08:57
Core8051s on Actel IGLOO AGL-DEV-KIT-SCS-SA
Hello Everybody, I'm a newbie of the Actel devices and they seems to be promising for many purposes. We brought a AGL-DEV-KIT-SCS-SA, an evaluation board for Actel IGLOO AGL600 FPGA. I want to use the Core8051s on it since the design software allow me to instantiate it. Do you have a sample design for this FP... 22 Mar 2010 10:29
The UK Embedded Masterclass 2010 - 6th and 11th May Cambridge & Reading
Hi, Just a quick reminder about this UK event Cambridge 6th May, Reading 11th May Six half-day workshops, an agenda of technical presentations and 30+ vendors exhibiting. Lunch and refreshments provided. Learn how to write device drivers, develop faster systems using SMP, deve... 22 Mar 2010 07:08
Changing Generics in Simulation
I am running a simulation in Active HDL and using generics to vary some parameters to the top level test bench. I can't seem to figure out what to do to get Active-HDL to use the changed generics I set in the Design Settings dialog box. I've tried restarting the simulation and recompiling the design and this does... 22 Mar 2010 14:12
Virtex 5 GTP
I have created a GTP wrapper for a 10-bit SDI protocol. I have run the provided testbench but when I simulate the rx data is not what I expect. The testbench sends the following data. 000, 001, 002 ---- 07f then repeats The data I receive is 000, 010, 020 etc which seems to be shifted up by 4 bits. However... 21 Mar 2010 10:28
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