From: Your Name on
In article <310520101900168013%nospam(a)nospam.invalid>, nospam
<nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote:

> In article
> <>, Your
> Name <> wrote:
> > Any Mac could probably support a two / multi-button mouse if the company
> > selling the device wanted to write driver software ... but the point is
> > that the Mac doesn't need a two button mouse. Personally I very rarely had
> > any need for more than one button.
> no drivers are needed with any usb standard mouse.
> it's the mice with zillions of buttons that require a driver, and there
> are at least two third party mac drivers already (not from any mouse
> maker), which support pretty much anything that exists, including all
> sorts of custom functions that even the manufacturers don't offer.

Yep, but I was going even further back to pre-USB, but I'm not sure if
anyone actually bothered to offer a multi-button ADB mouse for Macs.
From: Your Name on
In article <310520101901543873%nospam(a)nospam.invalid>, nospam
<nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote:

> In article
> <>, Your
> Name <> wrote:
> > Not only that, but the multi-button mice can be {beep}ingly annoying. The
> > first thing I do when setting up any new Mac is turn off the extra
> > buttons. Personally I find the "squeeze" button of the Mighty Mouse
> > especially annoying, continually "going off" when I don't want it to just
> > because I'm moviing the mouse around.
> one thing they did right on the magic mouse is remove the side buttons.
> those falsed all the time. unfortunately, the shape of the magic mouse
> is not very comfortable, at least for me.

I haven't used the Magic Mouse much yet, but when I did use one for a
while doing some DTP layout work I found that I kept scrolling the window
contents by accident when moving the mouse around.

After using a Mighty Mouse for a while, I often come back to my own ADB
mouse and keep trying to scroll with the non-existant mouse ball. :-)
From: Your Name on
In article <310520101903430428%nospam(a)nospam.invalid>, nospam
<nospam(a)nospam.invalid> wrote:

> In article
> <>, Your
> Name <> wrote:
> > Like the Apple mice, the trackpad does have REAL buttons, they simply
> > aren't visible ones. The bottom of the trackpad has at leat one cliackable
> > button (I haven't checked to see if there are two separate ones or perhaps
> > a left-right rocker switch).
> there is only one physical button. everything else is done via
> multitouch and software.

I thought there was only one, but I seem to vaguely recall being able to
right-click it ... but that could easily be wrong.
From: nospam on
In article
<>, Your
Name <> wrote:

> Yep, but I was going even further back to pre-USB, but I'm not sure if
> anyone actually bothered to offer a multi-button ADB mouse for Macs.

plenty did.
From: nospam on
In article
<>, Your
Name <> wrote:

> > > Like the Apple mice, the trackpad does have REAL buttons, they simply
> > > aren't visible ones. The bottom of the trackpad has at leat one cliackable
> > > button (I haven't checked to see if there are two separate ones or perhaps
> > > a left-right rocker switch).
> >
> > there is only one physical button. everything else is done via
> > multitouch and software.
> I thought there was only one, but I seem to vaguely recall being able to
> right-click it ... but that could easily be wrong.

you can right click it. either use two fingers, set up a right-click
area or use the control key.